The mission of the department is intended not merely to provide trainings in the production of animals but also to add value through the application of technology. This will be achieved through the development and dissemination of knowledge concerning the science and technology of animal production in teaching, applied research and outreach. The teaching and research will emphasize the application of technology to modern methods of animal husbandry, nutrition, breeding, reproduction, welfare and healthcare of farmed and non-conventional animal species. • This Programme will produce graduates who should be able to efficiently and effectively plan and manage activities on a farm as well as livestock businesses. A key objective of the department is to engage principally but not exclusively in broadening the frontiers of knowledge in the production of non-conventional animal species. This would be achieved through innovative research and training future leaders in the production of these little-known animals with a promising economic future. • To do actual livestock production and to manage, analyse, interpret as well as report farm animal data. To develop, adapt and evaluate animal production technologies to suit local needs. To assist farmers, achieve better efficiency and results in their livestock business settings, instruct and assist farmers in modern farming technologies. To develop inter- and intra- farm products quality control systems, instruct and assist farmers and private sectors improve and add value to their animal products, and be conversant with modern technologies for use in high level livestock production. Graduates of the animal production technology program are expected to have developed a wide range of skills Animal production cognitive related skills • Ability to understand the essential facts, concepts, and principles and theories related to animals production and technology with a spot light on non-conventional species • Ability to identify, evaluate interpret and analyze new problems and plan solutions to the problems • Ability to apply the acquired knowledge to solve familiar and unfamiliar problems in the livestock production and management sector • Ability to present orally and in written form scientific materials, production plans in details to clients and other audiences Practical skills • Competent in setting up a large-scale livestock farm, starting with farm design, constructions and stocking at the most cost-effective way • Competent in managing a large-scale livestock farm after stocking, sourcing for input and using input for optimal farm results • Competent in setting up and management an integrated livestock farm • Competent in assisting farmers achieve better efficiency and results in their livestock business settings, instruct and assist farmers in modern farming technologies. • Skill in coordinating livestock projects • Skill in monitoring, inspecting and controlling livestock projects • Skills in carrying out feasibility studies for livestock projects • Skills for self-employment and job creation General skills • Skills in oral presentation • Skills in technology and its application to livestock projects • Inter personal skills –ability to engage in team work • Study skills needed for continuous professional development